Twentieth Century Fox Animation and Blue Sky Studios have announced what will be the voice cast of ' Epic ', formerly known as' Leaf Men' and new production of 3D computer animation which will hit U.S. theaters May 24 2013 under the direction of the normal of the house, Chris Wedge.
From the creators of 'Ice Age' and 'Rio', and inspired by the work of William Joyce, the film will chronicle the battle in the depths of the forest between the forces of good and evil. When a teen-age girl is magically transported to this universe secret, she will join a diverse and very particular group of people in order to save their world ... and ours.
The voice cast of the film will be composed by the singer and actress Beyonce Knowles will be the Queen Tara, Colin Farrell ( 'Total Recall' ) is Ronin, Josh Hutcherson ( 'The Hunger Games' ) is Nod, Amanda Seyfried ( 'The miserable ' ) is Mary Katherine, Johnny Knoxville ( "Jackass" ) will Mandrake, Aziz Ansari ( '30 minutes or less' ) will Mub, the rapper Pitbull will Bufo, Jason Sudeikis ( 'As Horrible Bosses' ) will pump; Blake Anderson ( 'Workaholics' ) will Dagday, Judah Friedlander ( 'Rockefeller Center' ) will be Larry, and rock legend Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, will Galuu Nim.